Privacy Policy | Westcoast Floors


We take your privacy very seriously! Hence, we are offering you this privacy policy in order for you to understand the reason behind collection of your personal information and its appropriate use.

We will collect your personal information such as name, email and contact details at certain points on the website in order to serve you better. For instance, subscribing to our newsletter (in future) or sending us a query, may require you to provide your personal information that will be used solely to provide you with better service and to send promotional offers and announcements to you.

The use of your personal information is strictly as per your consent or as required by the law of Canada. Users will have prior knowledge and consent of collection of their personal information on the website.

We ensure complete protection of your personal information from unauthorized access. We do not indulge in sharing personal information of our website visitors or registered users with any third party. We do not indulge in granting unauthorized access to your personal information, its disclosure, modification or cloning in any form.

Any form of update or changes in this privacy policy will be intimated to the users on the website itself.